Five Minute Friday Prompts

Becoming the Glue

I am responding to the Five Minute Friday Prompt: Glue

I have admired my Nonnie and my mom all my life.  They have been the family glue.  My mom died of cancer just 2 years ago at the young age of 56 and my grandmother is quite a bit older than that.

So here I am becoming the glue.  I told my mom on her death bed that I thought our family would be okay after she was gone and she nodded and said, “I know.”  I meant it as an encouragement to her that she had done a wonderfully thorough job preparing my siblings and me for what would come in the future and she had built something sticky enough to last beyond her last breath.  I really meant it.

But I didn’t really anticipate that being the oldest daughter with three children of my own would  push me to become the glue in my family.  I am honored to play this new role, but I also resist it.  Aren’t matriarchs older than this?  I wish my mom could still be the glue. But since she can’t I am going to try to be as sticky as I can.


5 minutes.

Five Minute Friday: Glue